Monday, 7 March 2011





1. 调节女性内分泌,全面有效地改善人体皮肤状况,美容养颜美白肌肤,增强皮肤弹   性、去黑斑,防止皱纹、妊娠纹延缓衰老

2. 可防止女性不孕症流产早产

3. 益精补髓,增加男子精子生产,改善不孕症(男女均有效),增加性功能

4. 调节平衡荷尔蒙,增加血液制造,改善贫血气虚增强细胞活力,加速产后恢复帮助产妇泌乳

5. 提高人体免疫机能,推迟女性更年期,改善更年期综合症;

6. 促进乳房发育,令产后松弛下垂的乳房恢复坚挺,富有弹性

7. 手术后的身体恢复;

8. 抗过敏,抗肿瘤。


Stay Young Forever 不老的秘密







Sunday, 6 March 2011

Proven Benefits of Ovine Placenta

Youth and Beauty
* Reduce signs of skin aging or epidermal problems, such as fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, freckles, dull skin tone, dryness, sagging, eye bags and dark eye circles.
* Improves the look of the skin.
* Enhances the development of the breasts.
* Eliminates acne.

Blood and hormones
* Eliminates menstrual pain.
* Regulates menstrual periods.
* Enchances the production of blood, treat anaemia.
* Eliminates problem associated with menopause (45 to 65).
* Balances the hormones.

* Treats infertility and sterility (both male and female).
* Stops nausea and vomitting during pregnancy.
* Treats influenza and the common cold every during pregnancy.
* Stimulates the production of milk in mothers.
* Speed up recovery during give birth.

General health
* Enhances the normal growth of babies.
* Helps sick children improves their ability to fight disease.
* Eliminates fatique.

Male Disease
* Increase sperm production.
* Treats Impotence.
* Improves sexual

Injures and tissue damage
* Stimulates the regeneration of cells and tissues.
* Speeds up the healing of wounds.
* Speeds up recovery after surgery.
* Speeds up recovery after an illness.

The nervous system
* Regulates and normalizes the autonomic nervous system.
* Treats neurasthenia.
* Eliminates the inflammation of nerves.

* Eliminates asthma.
* Suppresses cough and mucus.
* Treats tuberculosis.
* Eliminates liver problems.
* Reduces the harmful effects of radiation.
* Eliminates rheumatoid arthritis.  

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Sheep Placenta Success Health


Sheep placenta extract is the overall name for all the nourishing active cells extracted from sheep foetus. It is rich in nucleic acid, amino acid, muco-polysaccharide, multivitamins and very rich hormones for human growth including FSH, ICSH, BGH and BST also tissue regenerating active substances. It has been regarded by the modern medical beauty field as ‘vitamin X active substance’, with the name in English as Ovine Placenta.Over 20 years ago, Swiss Professor Carolyn took the lead in research for ovine placenta extract beauty injections, which caused a stir in the world medical beauty sector. Since then, it has been a skincare and health product for only the rich and famous, celebrities and film stars. With the rapid development of biochemical technology, extracting sheep placenta and processing it into highly active capsules has become very safe, convenient and ideal.

 Why ‘Mega Alpha’ Ovine Placenta Extract is Famous Home and Abroad

New Zealand is famous for its pure and clean environment with vast natural resources. With its unique natural advantages, New Zealand produces the world’s best placenta extract products.

New Zealand famous Alpha Company, using NZ local sheep placenta extract, has produced the ‘Mega Alpha’ Sheep Placenta Extract. They have obtained certificates for producing, selling and export from the MAF (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) and the Ministry of Health.

They use world’s advanced biochemical technology, concentrating with sub-zero temperature, biochemical separation, discarding impurities, and their product is the only highly concentrated 10:1 extract in capsule form, which kept maximum active substances.

Every capsule contains equivalent of 3000mg fresh sheep placenta active cell element, which can satisfy the daily need for human metabolism. This product is purely natural and has passed the strict process and inspection which is up to GMP standard, very safe to use and highly efficient. This is the reason why ovine placenta has been selling so well in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States and other countries.
The Everlasting Youth Legend


Since time immemorial, men and women from all over the world have had one wish, that is to have eternal good health. Rumour has it that during the Western Han Dynasty, the Empress Liu gained the throne and reigned supreme over the country. But no matter how red and vibrant rouge is, no matter how beautiful and majestic a headdress, eventually age will catch up and what was once radiance will fade inevitably. The Empress Liu was no different from other women who worried and bemoaned over ageing.  How do we achieve eternal good health?

This was a crucial question. Two thousand three hundred years ago today, men’s wish has finally come true. This is the result of the dedication of medical scientists of the highest mettle. During the 80s, Swiss Professor Carolyn discovered a breakthrough in incorporating ovine placenta in beauty injections which was took the world by storm. Overnight, it became a new trend in beauty care products. Today it is used by many celebrities and film stars, who hold it in extremely high esteem, and is considered as a high quality beauty product of the 21st century.

Mega Alpha Sheep Placenta 300

Product: Mega Alpha Sheep Placenta 300 (3000mg Fresh Extract Ovine Placenta)

Bottle: 3000 mg x 30 Soft Capsules

Manufactured in New Zealand: Alpha Laboratories (NZ) Ltd

Description: Mega Alpha placenta is formulated by using 100% pure and fresh placenta which is extracted from New Zealand healthy sheep. Each capsule contains sheep placenta equiv. to 3000mg Fresh Extract Ovine Placenta.

Price: RM 368.00

For purchase and enquiries please contact us:

Success Health
Lot 2.15, 2nd Floor, Berjaya Plaza, Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur
Mobile:  +6012-218 9278